The following is an excerpt from the Book of Orden, taken from the Tome of Sh’o-Nai, volume 85, verses 6-13.
The Kah Brotherhood are a fanatical religious order who believe themselves to be guided by the dark mind of their imprisoned god.
At the heart of the Kah Brotherhood’s doctrine is the idea of ‘the chosen’; the belief that upon the return of their One God, ten thousand Kah from across the centuries will be raised from death and given dominion over the mortal world. Only the mightiest warriors, the most efficient killers, and the most disciplined in their faith will be among this elite.
The Kah believe that discipline is the grace of the One God, and raises them above other mortals. They fight with clinical precision, utterly voiceless in battle. Even when slain, they fall in silence.
The Kah Brotherhood’s hierarchy is an ever-shifting entity of patrons and factions. The Code dictates that true power is not awarded from above, but surrendered from below, given up by those who follow. The status, and subsequent rank, of a commander is dictated by how powerful a force he commands. The warriors are free to follow whichever commander they choose. The commanders who are viewed as mighty, who offer their troops the best chance of honour, receive the greatest support. Warriors will often shift their allegiance away from a commander if he is seen to be weakening, or if another is viewed as stronger.
The commanders in turn award their loyalty to one of the high commanders, and the high commanders to one of the generals. The generals appoint the lord general of the Kah. Their ranks are noted only by the colour of their capes, the highest being the purple cape worn by the lord general.
Every generation, a handful of Kah are selected as holy men, chosen from those who possess an arcane talent and a strong connection to the dark mind. The Kah priesthood operate outside of the military ranking. They bow only to the lord general and are awarded certain privileges, as they are believed to be closer to the mind of the One God.
Though their headquarters are known to be hidden somewhere beneath the city of Karoja in the Haaken Empire, the exact location has never been discovered.
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